Monday, January 19, 2015

Sunny Side Up! Meals in a Motor Home

There is quite the learning curve when it comes to cooking in a motor home. For one thing, my refrigerator is taking some getting used to. For some odd reason, it trends to run cold. Very cold. Elsa would love it in there. The freezer works perfectly but the refrigerator apparently also wants to be a freezer. It could be an omen of some sort. Some cosmic entity could be telling me to go on the Ice Cream Diet. If that's the case, that cosmic entity doesn't know me very well or it would know better than to direct me to ice cream! Consequently I've taken to putting things in the refrigerator that aren't hurt if they freeze. Cheese works. Carrots and celery? Not so much. I'm keeping track of what it's doing to review with an electrician so hopefully a fix is in the works.

The microwave gets a workout when I’m plugged into electricity and works well enough, although not as powerfully as the microwave that was in the condo. And I need a refresher in ‘Popcorn.’ I love to air pop it in the microwave, then spray it with olive oil and add a little sea salt. Yum! Currently I'm not getting quite the same results in the same time. Something else to figure out, but I'm sure I will.

The stove top works well, too, although most of the time I keep the cover over the burners because I need the counter space. It runs on propane, as does the oven, which I haven’t even tried so far, other than to store things.

That said, I’m still able to do quite a bit of cooking. I don’t have a BBQ or a hibachi and there is no need for briquettes, lighter fluid, matches, or even propane!  As you might have guessed from the title of this segment, I'm using the sun!

Recently I learned of a great invention. It’s called the GoSun Solar Stove and it allows me to cook many, many foods in the sun. It could be zero outside, and it was in the 20s in early January, and I am able to use this stove as long as the sun is up. Learning how to cook with sunshine takes priority over using the propane stove at this point. It’s fast, too, and doesn’t heat up the inside of the motor home. 

So far I’ve made Sweet Italian Sausage and chicken and both were delicious! I’ve also heated up leftovers the day after a great dinner with my very helpful neighbors here in Menifee. As my proficiency and recipe repertoire grows, I’ll share more about this stove with you. In the meantime, here is a video and a link you can use to learn more about it.

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